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What Causes Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

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What Causes Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Do you have dark circles under your eyes? If so, you’re not alone.

There are millions of Americans with black circles under their eyes. These dark circles will usually start to show up when people begin to get older.

The good news for those with under-eye dark circles is that they’re not typically considered to be a medical problem. You can go on about your business with dark circles under your eyes in most cases without worrying about them too much.

But the bad news is that having dark circles under your eyes can have a huge impact on your appearance. It can also take a toll on your self-esteem and self-confidence if you’re not careful.

So, what are these dark circles under your eyes, what causes them, and how can you get them to go away? Learn more about black circles under the eyes below.

What Are the Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

Dark circles under your eyes are exactly what they sound like. They’re dark circles that will sometimes start to form under your eyes as you age.

These dark circles under your eyes can be any number of colors. In some cases, you’ll find that you’ll have black circles under your eyes. But these circles can also be purple, brown, blue, or other colors based on your skin color.

As we alluded to earlier, dark circles under your eyes shouldn’t be a sign of a medical problem. If you touch them, they shouldn’t hurt at all. But you might still want to address them since they can affect the way you look and feel when you take a glance in the mirror.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

If you have dark circles under your eyes, they can be caused by a bunch of different things. First and foremost, they could simply suggest that you’re tired and need some rest. If you haven’t been getting enough sleep as of late, changing this right away could help you get rid of the dark circles that have started to show up under your eyes in no time.

But tiredness is only one of the many things that can cause dark circles under your eyes. Here are some of the other things that might lead to them rearing their ugly heads:

  • Dermatitis
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Eye rubbing
  • Dehydration
  • Alcoholism
  • Smoking

There is also a chance that genetics could play a role in the dark circles under your eyes. If other people in your family have these dark circles, it might only be a matter of time before you begin to develop them.

What Can You Do to Treat Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

Do you dislike the look of the dark circles under your eyes? Most people do. They aren’t all that aesthetically pleasing, and they can make you appear as though you’re worn down even if you’re feeling just fine.

So, what are some of the eye treatment options you’ll have to eliminate the dark circles under your eyes once and for all? There are actually quite a few things that you can try.

You can, for example, make it a point to get more sleep each night if you suspect tiredness might be the cause of your dark circles. Studies have shown that about one-third of Americans don’t sleep enough at night, and at least some of them end up dealing with dark circles under their eyes.

Here are a few other things you can do to try to treat dark circles under your eyes:

  • Use another pillow at night to stop fluid from gathering around your eyes
  • Place a cold compress over your eyes for a few minutes each day
  • Put tea bags under your eyes each day to increase circulation in the area
  • Schedule regular facials for yourself to treat your under eye dark circles

You can try facial cryotherapy and professional lymphatic drainage to get rid of the under-eye circles. Even though this won’t be a long-term solution, it can help restore your self-confidence in a hurry.

What Is the Best Dark Circle Under Eye Treatment?

All of the dark circles under the eye treatment options that we just mentioned might yield positive results. But which treatment is going to produce the best results possible?

It really all depends on your specific situation. The severity of the dark circles under your eyes, for instance, will affect how you respond to different treatments.

But one of the very best options of the bunch will be getting PRP injections under eyes. They may be able to work wonders for you as you seek to put the black circles under your eyes in the past. They might stimulate collagen production in your body and make your eyes look healthy again.

How Can You Prevent Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

No matter which treatment options you try to deal with dark circles under your eyes, the last thing you’ll want is for them to come back when you’re finally able to get them to go away. So, how can you prevent them from making a return?

For starters, you can begin getting more sleep. This alone should be enough to keep the dark circles that can appear under your eyes at bay.

You can also do things like:

  • Put sunscreen on your face every day
  • Look for ways to reduce your stress levels
  • Steer clear of drinking too much alcohol and/or smoking

By taking these steps, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about getting dark circles under your eyes.

Erase the Dark Circles Under Your Eyes ASAP

Now that you know what causes dark circles under your eyes and what you can do to treat them, you should spring into action right away to erase them from your face. You don’t have to live with these dark circles forever.

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